FiLm IcE FaA KwAn Aom MaY

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IcE FaA..FaA IcE..FaA FiLm

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Book report[ The fisherman and his wife ]

Title:The fisherman and his wife
Author: Sue Arengo

Setting: -The hut

-The sea

-The cottage

-A big house

-A big castle

-A palace

Characters: Character Description
1.Fisherman: The fisherman that help the magic fish, and asks the magic fish what his wife wants.
2. Fisherman wife: She is wife of fisherman that want many things.
3. Magic fish: The amazing fish that give everything what the fisherman want.

One day. There was the fisherman went to the sea, then he can catches the strange fish. It is the magic fish, So he release the magic fish, and went back to hut.
Fisherman wife want many thing like the palace, castle.The fisherman want his wife to happy and he go said to the magic fish what his wife want. The magic fish give many thing to fisherman wife. But the last the magic fish is use the magic change everything back to the normal. And last the fisherman and his wife can be happy, and they don't want anythings else.

New Words:
No Word Meaning Sentence

  1. emperor -a king or a queen of many countries.The fisherman's wife want to be the emperor.

  2. husband -a man who is married. Sometime, I don't want to have a husband.

  3. Poor -the people that not rich. The fisherman is poor.

  4. Cottage -small house. First the fisherman wife want to have a cottage.
  5. Magic -the special power that can do the mystery thing. When I was a child, I want to have a magic.
  6. Fisherman -people that catch fish for the job. My uncle was a fisherman.

  7. Castle -A large mansion. I want to have a big castle.

  8. Fish -the animal that live in the water. I ate a lot of fish, yesterday.

  9. Palace -the big mansion but bigger than castle. Most of King live in palace.

10. wife -the women that married with man. I know, someplace the man have many wife.

Adjective - poor happy magic sea angry nice normal

Noun - fisherman wife hut cottage castle house palace

Verb - live found put tell say change go

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ict Honor system and other

  1. Data packet - an information.
  2. Honor system - when data packet x sent to computer B ,Computer B will accept but Computer A will reject.
  3. Packet sniffers - A network monitoring tool that captures data packets and decodes them using built-in knowledeg of common protocols. Sniffers are used to debug and monitor networking problems.
  4. Data Encryption - when data change formate more difficult, but can remake it into original formal again.(ex. put in coad)
  5. SSL [ current version 3.0 ] - scramble and grooming data before sent it.( Verify by look the lock section)
  6. Decryption - when decode the data.
  7. Hacker - person that have skill in tectnology, but are bad person cause they steal information from other.
  8. Eavesdropping -somebody that don't have access to have this information, but they take the information.(solve by make password

Friday, December 11, 2009

Book Report[The Good Samaritan]

Title: The Good Samaritan
Setting: -A road between 2 town

-At the altar

-An inn
Characters: Characters Description
Robbers -The wicked men that attack and rob travellers' things.
The traveller -The wounded that the robbers hit him for rob things.
The first man -He met a traveller, but he didn't help him.
The holy man -The second man that met the traveller, but he didn't help him too.
The man riding a donkey -He's very good man, because he met a traveller same like 2 people up, but he help a traveller, then The traveller became to usual.
The innkeeper -The person that help the traveller, when the man riding a donkey was absent.

There was the wicked men that attack and rob traveller's things, when they finish, they ran away and left a traveller lying wounded on the road. There was a person came passing this way and he saw the wounded, but he didn't do anything, and he went away. Later, there was another man came passing this way too, he was a holy man, but he didn't help a wounded, when he saw a him. After that there was a man riding a donkey came passing this way and saw a wounded same like 2 people up, but he help a wounded. He help the traveller by got a wounded to an inn, and ask the innkeeper to treat him, and gave the innkeeper some money for take care him, when he went to do work. Last when he came back, a wounded became to better.

New Words:
No. Word Meaning Sentence
1 -lonely -alone -I don't like to live alone.
2 -wasteland -area that don't -I think, wasteland like a desert.
have any things
3 -wicked -very very bad -Person that hit another people is call wicked people.
4 -attack -fighting -Good people should not to attack other people.
5 -rob -pirate -The thief rob things in shopping mall.
6 -wounded -person that sick -In hospital have many wounded.
7 -holy -divine -In Thai, the most holy person is King.
8 -hurry -quick -I'm late, So I need to hurry.
9 -stranger -unusual -I saw stranger person at the park.
10 -bandage -gauze -My knee is break, then I use bandage to cover it.

Adjectives:holy good lonely same fast quick only
Nouns:Wasteland food wounded stranger bandage traveller road
Verb:wicked Attack Rob serve wait through lay

Friday, December 4, 2009

Book Report

Title: David
Setting: - In the palace
- On the mountain
- Home of David
- Lakes
Characters: Characters Description
Saul , King of Israel. He's bad King.
David , The shepherd boy play the harp, he kill the Goliath.
Goliath , He likes a giant that come to fight with David,and last David won.
Saul was the bad King of Israel. He made God angry, to make him more unhappy. A servant asked Saul to listen music to made him feel better. So a servant got the shepherd boy played the harp very beautifully, his name was David. When Saul felt angry and upset, David will came to the palace to played the harp to Saul.
For many years the people of Israel had been fighting. One day the big and tall person[He likes a giant], call Goliath. He want to fight with another person. if he lose, he will be a servant of Israel. After that David came to fight with Goliath, and last David can killed the Goliath. So he had save Israel have not war or battle.
New Words:
No. Word Meaning Sentence
1 -tempered -there is feeling -I've bad tempered, when my friends not talk with me
2 -gentle -kind -My teacher is a gentle person.
3 -battle -fighting -Battle is mean,fighting between 2 countries.
4 -great -big -I saw a great mango on the tree.
5 -giant -very tall, big person-In my dream, has giant, he'll kill me.
6 -speak -talk -I like to speak with my friends.
7 -army -many of soldier -I see the army of soldier on the TV.
8 -sword -long knife -In my house has a sword, It's my grandfather.
9 -hillside -beside of mountain -I live on the hillside.
10 -beat -hit - I don't want anybody to beat me.

Adjectives Nouns Verbs
Big Hillside Waited
afraid giant fighting
great shield played
tall harp came
good sword speak
angry home said
unhappy sheep need

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Computer network

computer network
Computer network is the infrastructure that allows computers to communicate with each other. It allows the computer to share the resources such as documents, databases and software.

There are 2 ways:
1. Geography location
Have 3 type :
- LAN (local area network) - is a network that cover only in a small area. Such as office, school and collage.
-home small group building office school collage.
- MAN (metropolitan area network) - is a network that cover a large area than LAN. Such as city.
- WAN (wide area network) - is a biggest network covering in a big area. Such as Internet and bank.
Wireless Network
Good :
- Use Radio waves to transmit data
-Popular, as no wire required
-Cast effective
-Future Flexibility
Bad :
-Consume electricity
-less secure
Wireless network have 2 type:
Ad-hoc/Peer-to-peer Wireless network
-Each computer can connect directly to the other computers
-Share files and printers
Access Point Wireless Network
-Access of equipment[wireless router] or software.
-Wireless network interface card
Network Interface Card : NIC
-Used by PC systems to connect to either an Ethernet network or a wireless network.
-NIC are already installed on most PCs
-May need a outer to create a home office network.
-NICs are not used in laptops pr PDAs